We all want users to love surfing our site, but sometimes we forget to step into our customers shoes. Here is a list of some of the top ranked user pet peeves. Is your website breaking any of these”user rules”?
- Slow load times
- Hidden or no contact info
- An outdated look
- Poor or frustrating navigation
- Broken links
- Duplicated content
- Excessive pop-ups
- Auto-play multimedia with sound
- Not being mobile optimized
- A homepage that doesn’t describe what your business does
- Missing social media icons
- Not having a blog
- Long paragraphs (nobody wants to read a wall of text, especially on a mobile device)
- Cheesy or generic stock images (They don’t feel genuine, instead spend your money on an in-office photo shoot capturing candid images)
- Whenever possible post text (or HTML) instead of PDFs
- Lengthy contact or signup forms